Staff notes
Type: Concern
Lack of documentation on ISO 639-3 website about collective language types Posted September 18, 2023 by SUDO
The ISO 639-3 website provides descriptions for types of individual languages, but not for collective languages; e.g., genetic, genetic-link, geographic, etc. Morey, Post, and Friedman briefly discussed this in a 2013 conference presentation [1]. It was also mentioned in footnote 21 of Gillam's 2004 article [2]. There is also some mention of extra work done with respect to genetic relationships in ISO 639-5, which is not the current release as of this writing.
PsychLing Contributors. "Genetic Language." PsychLing, OMNIKA Foundation, 18 Sep. 2023, Accessed 7 Sep. 2024.
PsychLing (2023, September 18). Genetic Language. Retrieved from
APA Contributors. "APA Dictionary of Psychology." Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Accessed September 14, 2023. [Visit]
Crystal, David, ed. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2011.
SIL International Contributors. "ISO 639-3 Registration Authority: International Standard for Language Codes." Dallas, TX: SIL International. Accessed July 28, 2023. [Visit]
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ISO 639-3 Collective Language Types is a term in