α 0.16.1

Version Notes for PsychLing

α Alpha

This website is in the alpha phase of development, meaning that it's currently being worked on. We have decided to make Psycholinguistics.org available to the public during all development phases. The website may not contain all planned features and services. Many features may be incomplete, which can hinder user experience and reliability.

You can expect the following:

  • Major bugs
  • Downtime
  • Ongoing testing and rapid feature release cycles
  • Missing or incomplete data
  • Slow load times

If you are doing academic or scholarly research, it is safe to rely on the accuracy of our data. For more information, check our release notes.

α 0.16.1
  • MLI > Term records' definition tables
    • Added abbreviations and hover-over definitions for parts of speech
    • Added a source options menu at the bottom
    • Changed the layout
  • Added more ISO 639-3 language type data to more MLI > Language records 
α 0.16.0
  • Added category icons to Glossary > Term pages
  • Added a mobile-friendly A–Z menu on all Glossary pages
  • Added a 'New entries' section on Glossary pages
  • Added logo images for many new Glossary records
  • Changed the header icons to be smaller
  • Changed the Glossary directory page and added more information
  • Changed the colors of links based on their status (published = blue; unpublished = red; on-hold = gold)
  • Fixed lots of minor visual bugs–more to do in the next release
α 0.15.1
  • Fixed an issue with old URLs not redirecting to correct URLs
  • Fixed an issue with Wayback Machine backup URLs not working correctly
  • Fixed an issue with some empty list views listing all records in the entire category
  • Fixed various other minor visual bugs
α 0.15.0
  • Added a source options menu to banner aside links, including custom icons for Library > Website sources
  • Added various list views in Glossary > Field records
  • Added tooltip previews for Glossary > Category records
  • Added banner images for Glossary > Field records
  • Added the APA Dictionary of Psychology as a primary link source for Glossary > Term records
  • Added more Bibliography item per relevant record
  • Added more Wayback Machine backup URLs for Glossary records
  • Changed meta descriptions for various records
  • Removed toast notifications from Settings options
α 0.14.1
  • Fixed issue with numbers showing instead of page titles
  • Fixed issue with PDFs not rendering in Glossary term pages
  • Changed Glossary term URLs to be /glossary/term/* instead of /glossary/*
  • Lots of other minor changes and bug fixes
α 0.14.0
  • Added new data fields for sorting into list views for Glossary > Terms: Categories, A to Z, and Fields (of study)
  • Added backup viewing options for cited website sources: Wayback Machine (for all) and PDF (for critical sources)
  • Added many new Library > Source, Glossary > Term, and Glossary > Field records
  • Changed some link preview tooltips and meta descriptions
  • Changed the Bibliography section such that inclusion of sources does not rely on manual additions (this will make it much more accurate and complete moving forward)
  • Fixed some behind-the-scenes issues via refactoring of data fields
α 0.13.2
  • Added an explanatory disclaimer to the start of all MLI records which contain proto-languages or reconstructed terms
  • Added a new breadcrumbs action item called Share that is designed especially for mobile devices
  • Added several new social sharing options
  • Added several new Library sources related to Proto-Germanic and Old English
  • Changed the website's error page
α 0.13.1
  • Changed canvas menus on mobile devices to be the full-width of the screen
  • Changed other minor visual elements
  • Fixed an issue with HTML entity codes being rendered instead of the sign itself
  • Fixed an issue with canvas menus not showing on mobile devices
  • Fixed other minor issues
α 0.13.0
  • Added descendants and ancestors of reconstructed proto terms in the MLI
  • Added several new sources related to etymology
  • Added hover-activated preview information for many links
  • Added proto-languages to the MLI > Languages list view
  • Added many important terms to the Glossary
  • Added several new proto-languages and reconstructed entries to the MLI
  • Fixed issue with all records showing when no entries are available on many list views
  • Fixed other minor bugs
α 0.12.3
  • Fixed issue with page titles not showing up correctly in the citation popup
  • Fixed issue with main menu showing incorrect menu items
  • Fixed issue with Unicode alii not rendering correctly as HTML entities in meta page titles
  • Fixed issue with bibliography entries not showing up in alphabetical order
  • Changed all page headings to have two headings maximum and smaller, bolder look
  • Changed various colors for Dark mode
  • Changed breadcrumbs so that contents fit better in smaller viewports
  • Changed sharing options such that 'Share > SMS' only appears on mobile and tablet devices with mobile browsers; and not desktops
  • Added Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Tumblr, Telegram, WeChat, and other platforms as additional sharing options on mobile and tablet devices
  • Added Hacker News, Gmail, and others as additional sharing options on desktop devices
α 0.12.2
  • Added psylng.org/* as our primary short-form domain name for stable URLs
  • Added psychling.org and psyling.org as secondary domain names
α 0.12.1
  • Fixed issue with 'Share' and 'Cite' actions now showing on tablet devices
  • Fixed issue with tooltips not showing in certain areas
  • Fixed issue with duplicate notifications for the same action
  • Added toast notifications for changes in Settings
  • Partially fixed issue where white screen would flash upon refreshing page when 'Settings > Dark mode' is turned ON
  • Fixed issue with screen size overlap on mobile devices
  • Modified some colors when 'Settings > Dark mode' is turned ON
  • Truncated the names of directories in the breadcrumb links
α 0.12.0
  • Added proto-languages and reconstructed words to the MLI
  • Added a citation block for the page at the bottom that includes MLA, APA, and CMS citation styles
  • Added a copy button to citations
  • Added a social sharing popup in the breadcrumbs row
  • Added a cite this page popup in the breadcrumbs row
  • Added toast notifications
α 0.11.0
  • Added new meta titles and descriptions to all pages
  • Refactored all data tables to a new style
  • Fixed various minor visual bugs
  • Fixed other minor bugs
α 0.10.0
  • Added links for the following websites: The Intercontinental Dictionary Series (IDS), The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon (CAL), and the French Assyriology Society's Assyrian Dictionary (AAF)
  • Added several new languages, scripts, and MLI terms
  • Refactored several data table styles to make them easier to read and mobile-friendly
  • Added proper meta titles and descriptions to all MLI > Term pages
  • Fixed various minor bugs
α 0.9.0
  • UI
    • Refactored the Version release notes page with a new design to match other CRS projects
      • Added an accordion for each release
      • Added color codes for each phase, including support for Settings > Dark Mode
      • Added mobile-friendly bug fixes
  • Speed
    • Added caching technology when the site is not under development mode (CSS, JS, and DB queries) to increase speed
    • Added lazy-loading for images
    • Fixed various bugs related to image rendering
    • Implemented other behind-the-scenes performance upgrades
α 0.8.0
  • Added data fields for alternative definition sources in the MLI; shown as a table in entries
  • Added example sentences for MLI entries
α 0.7.4

Consolidated several data fields into new formats, among other behind-the-scenes upgrades

α 0.7.3
  • Added several new Languages, Script Families, Scripts, dictionary sources, and more
α 0.7.2
  • Simplified the version info in the top bar
  • Changed dimensions for the aside column in the header
  • Added subtle shadows to various parts of the website
  • Changed some core colors
  • Fixed various issues with colors in Settings > Dark Mode
  • Fixed various issues with modals and dropdowns
α 0.7.1
  • Added abbreviations and website links in the Bibliography section
  • Added more sources for links
  • Added various minor features
α 0.7.0
  • Added Script Families as a section in the MLI
  • Added new data fields for Scripts and Script Families
  • Added ISO 15924 notation data for Scripts
α 0.6.1
  • Added a sticky header on all viewports
  • Many minor visual refinements and bug fixes
  • Renamed the "Sources" directory to "Library"
α 0.6.0

This release included mostly behind-the-scenes improvements related to speed and technical operations. There were a few feature additions:

  • Added left drawer menu with new data fields for icons, descriptions, and titles
  • Added a bottom box to all pages that describes the current section and website
  • Added the current directory's name next to the logo on the header
α 0.5.1
  • Fixed various color issues when "Dark mode" is turned on
  • Inverted the grayscale colors of images when "Dark mode" is turned on
α 0.5.0
  • General
    • Adopted FontAwesome icons
    • Streamlined the background colors
    • Added two new directories: CBI (Cultural Beliefs Inventory) and HBI (Human Body Inventory); These new content sections will provide new information that will be cross-referenced later
  • Header
    • Added the Psycholinguistics.org brand logo next to the name
    • Added dropdowns to the main navigation
    • Added a settings feature which includes a switch to turn on "Dark mode" and "Experimental features"
    • Added an apps dropdown to link to other properties associated with Psycholinguistics.org
    • Changed the colors and font styles
  • Body
    • Refined the breadcrumbs links
    • Other visual refinements
  • Footer
    • Added the website's branding
    • Other visual refinements
  • Mobile
    • Various cross-device compatibility fixes
α 0.4.0
  • Added a bibliography to the bottom of certain pages
  • Added a "common definition" data field for MLI entries
  • Refactored the Version release notes page
α 0.3.0
  • Added links for source page images that open in the right canvas
  • Added links to the OMNIKA Library where applicable
  • Added multiple definitions per entry (head word)
  • Added external links like Glottolog, Wiktionary, OMNIKA, Allo, and others for language families, languages, and entries
  • Added signs and transliterations for entries in other writing systems
α 0.2.1
  • Added a new favicon for the website
  • Added new Mental Language Inventory records
  • Added a mobile-friendly header menu
  • Added breadcrumbs as a default page feature
α 0.2.0
  • Added a Mental Language (MLI) Inventory of words and phrases related to psychological activity
  • Added new records for language families, languages, and entries for the MLI
  • Implemented a basic version of our standard black-and-white OMNIBUS theme
  • Added a new About section that includes version notes and legal information
α 0.1.0

The project homepage of Psycholinguistics.org is now live. Read announcement


New work is required.



PsychLing Contributors. "Version." PsychLing, OMNIKA Foundation, 25 Jul. 2023, psylng.org/info/about/version. Accessed 20 Oct. 2024.


PsychLing (2023, July 25). Version. Retrieved from https://psylng.org/info/about/version

CMS 16

PsychLing Contributors. "Version." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created July 25, 2023. Modified September 18, 2023. Accessed October 20, 2024. https://psylng.org/info/about/version.



OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "OMNIKA: Digital Mythology Library." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created January 21, 2019. Accessed July 28, 2023. https://omnika.org. [Visit]