Example sentences
Coming soon.
PsychLing Contributors. "Hown." PsychLing, OMNIKA Foundation, 28 Aug. 2023, psylng.org/mli/afro/oar/hown. Accessed 31 Mar. 2025.
Internet Archive Contributors. "Wayback Machine." San Francisco, CA: Internet Archive. Created October 24, 2001. Accessed July 21, 2023. https://web.archive.org. [Visit]
Kaufman, Stephen A., et al. "CAL: The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon." Cincinnati, OH: Hebrew Union College. Created 2012. Accessed August 28, 2023. https://cal.huc.edu. [Visit]
Key, Mary R., and Bernard Comrie, eds. "IDS: The Intercontinental Dictionary Series." Leipzig, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Created 2013. Accessed August 28, 2023. https://ids.clld.org. [Visit]
PsychLing MLI
Ancient Aramaic is a language that belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family.
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Language is a term in
PsychLing Glossary
Language Family is a term in
PsychLing Glossary
Proto-Language is a term in
PsychLing Glossary
Psycholinguistics is a field of study that concerns the scientific study of the relationship between human behavior and language.
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Reconstruction is a term in