Definition of "Libbum"
Source: A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian
S.v., Libbum
. | n. |
"inner body; heart" [ŠÀ] |
A. | n. |
1. "inner body, internal organs" of human, animal "womb", ša l .- ša "foetus"; șīt libbi "offspring" of father 2. "heart" of human; of animal, in extispicy, as meat portion; (parts - dūru I 3, papānu 2, rēšu) 3. l. īni "iris"? 4. as seat of emotions, thought, memory "mind, mood, spirit"; joyful, angry, sorrowful; of loyalty - gamāru II Gt, D; peaceful, fearful; ina l. bašû "to be in" s.o.'s "thoughts", ina l. šakānu "to take to heart" 5. as seat of will, šumma l. "if it is wish of" s.o., kī l. "according to wish" of s.o., ašar l. "where" s.o. "wishes"; mutu libbiša "a husband of her choosing"; la l. ili(mma) "against god's will; alas", OB ul libbī "I don't want to"; NB ina hud libbišu "of his own free will" 6. OA pl. "attitude" towards s.o. 7. "courage", l. nadānum, l. šakānu "to encourage" |
B. |
transf. 1. "content" of letter, statement 2. "interior" of city, palace, sea etc., "pith" of reed 3. "heart" (= various parts) of date palm, NB also lib(bi) libbi 4. (an ornament) of metal, stone 5. NA akal l. (a pastry)? 6. OB "weft" |
C. |
in prep. expressions 1. ina l. (after ša without ina) [ŠA.BA for ina libbi(ša/šu)]; ša libbi(šalšu) "in(side), within" of space, time; "from among"; "from out of"; OA "incumbent on"; NA, NB "by means of", "in exchange for"; NB oath "by" DN; NA "at the time of" s.o. 2. loc .- adv. (usu. libbū) "from out of, belonging to" group, larger quantity; NB "in the same way as, just like" 3. ana l. "into, towards"; "as addition to"; "against, in opposition to"; "on account of, because of"; NB "(in exchange) for" 4. ultu/ištulissu l. “from (out of)"; of time "since" 5. adi l. "until"; "as far as" |
D. | adv. |
adv. etc. 1. ina l. "in there, therein" 2. "from out of it/them" 3. NB ina libbi kī "because of the fact that" 4. ana l.(-ma) "to the interior"; > libbānu |
Black, CDA 2ed., 181. [View as image] [Read on OMNIKA]
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PsychLing Contributors. "Libbum." PsychLing, OMNIKA Foundation, 11 Aug. 2023, Accessed 10 Mar. 2025.
Black, Jeremy, Andrew George, and Nicholas Postgate, eds. A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. 2ed. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2000.
Internet Archive Contributors. "Wayback Machine." San Francisco, CA: Internet Archive. Created October 24, 2001. Accessed July 21, 2023. [Visit]
Oppenheim, Adolf L., Erica Reiner, and Robert D. Biggs, eds. The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago: Volume 9, L. Chicago, IL: The Oriental Institute, 1973.
Unicode Consortium Contributors. "Unicode Consortium: The World Standard for Text and Emoji." Unicode, Inc. Accessed July 28, 2023. [Visit]
Wales, Jimmy D., et al. "Wiktionary: The Free Dictionary." San Francisco, CA: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Created December 12, 2002. Accessed July 28, 2023. [Visit]
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